I think spirulina is like a big book, which three out of four portion still unread..Everyday the researchers are opening one page & become surprised to look its strong natural usefullness for human body.Personaly i am using Chinese Tianshi companies Spirulina.
I think this is the best qualitifull manufacturer company of spirulina.Let us proceed to know some benefits of spirulina:
1) Gives you more energy and boosts your resistance
2) Improves performance in work, study, social pastimes and sport
3) Increases your stamina, overcomes energy dips
4) Speeds up recovery from injury or illness
5) For healthy skin, fuller hair and stronger nails
6) Contributes as a natural slimming aid and for weight control
7) Natural beauty treatment, detox and body cleansing cure
8) Helps during menstruation and the menopause
9) Energy and clarity of mind as you get older
10) Useful in sports and fitness programmes
11) Helps if partying through the night and hangover prevention
12) Helps stay fresh and alert behind the wheel.
Make Cleansing
Spirulina is ideal as a cleansing cure both in the spring and the autumn. By drinking as much water as possible (or herb tea or juices), waste products will be removed even more rapidly from your body. You can combine Spirulina with a juice diet for example. To keep your weight at the right level, it is a good idea to have a ‘juice day’ every now and then. Simply add a spoonful of Spirulina powder or a few tablets to a glass of freshly squeezed organic fruit or vegetable juice.
Natural slimming aid
A few kilos overweight? Spirulina can help you gain and keep control of your weight and you will not have to resort to artificial remedies. You get natural nutrients in a concentrated form without any excess calories, which means you will be healthy and less likely to suffer from pangs of hunger. Furthermore, you will be much more likely to stick to a diet, if you do not feel tired or listless!
Natural weight control with Spirulina
Only eating less is not sufficient to get rid of that superfluous weight. It is also important that your body receives sufficient vital nutrition, without surplus calories. If we gorge ourselves with ‘empty’ calories from refined and conserved foodstuffs (e.g. white sugar, white flour based products, canned food, etc.) then in spite of a full stomach we are quickly hungry again. Your body has of course not taken in any essential nutrients, but only a large quantity of useless calories that do not do much more than make you fat. Thus it is not so important how much we eat, but what we eat!! Tips: • Eat fresh fruit, salad and freshly prepared vegetables as often as possible! • Drink sufficient (spring) water. • Do not combine too many things in one meal; keep it simple. • Try to chew for as long as possible; that makes you feel full much more quickly.
How Spirulina helps during slimming
If the stock of nutrients in our blood is too low, the blood / sugar level drops. That triggers the ‘hunger’ signal in our brains. Take Spirulina half an hour before you eat, so that your body takes in all the necessary nutrients in concentrated form. Because Spirulina is easily digested the nutrients quickly reach the bloodstream. Via the blood, the hunger center in your brain then receives the signal that all nutrients are present. The blood sugar level rises and remains stable for a long period. You no longer feel hungry. In spite of the fact that you have eaten less, your body has been provided with all the required nutrients, and with a minimum of calories (only 1 kcal per tablet).
Feel hungrier just for a while?
It is possible that at the start you become even more hungry than usual. Then your body evidently has need of more essential nutrients. In this case you can increase the dose of Spirulina to around 15 tablets per day. Once the nutrients have been topped up, your hunger will become normal again. It is possible to be over-weight and at the same time to be undernourished. In this case our calorie intake has been sufficient, but the intake of essential nutrients has not. To keep your weight stable, a regular juice-day is a good idea. Just a glass of fruit or vegetable juice with a spoonful of Spirulina powder or a couple of tablets.
Energy dip?
Do you have a problem with an energy dip halfway through the afternoon? Well – instead of eating chocolate – try taking a few Spirulina tablets. Your energy level will soon return to normal and you will quickly be back in form! Natural beauty treatment Spirulina contains exactly the right minerals and vitamins to keep your hair, skin and nails in optimum condition. Spirulina helps cleanse the blood, which is good for a smooth healthy skin. A face pack made of Spirulina powder is excellent to help heal an irritated problem skin. Furthermore, did you know that the beta-carotene in Spirulina helps you tan more quickly in the sun or on a sun bed?
Natural beauty treatment with Spirulina
Our body is built from the food that we eat. There is thus a direct relationship between the quality of our diet and the quality of our body. The more vital nutrients that the diet contains, the better the condition of our skin, hair and nails. Using Spirulina you take in all these substances in a natural proportion.
Your hair will become beautiful again!
Dry or lusterless hair, hair dropping out and dry skin or brittle nails are often a consequence of an inadequate diet. Hair root investigations have shown that these deficiencies will disappear following 2 to 3 weeks Spirulina use. At the same time the hair became stronger, glossier and had more body. The fingernails also became stronger and broke less easily.
Instructions for making a face pack
Mix half a teaspoon of Spirulina powder or two crushed tablets with cream cheese or yogurt, or your favourite mask. Apply the mixture to thoroughly cleansed skin and let it soak in for quarter of an hour. Then rinse with lukewarm water. The Spirulina face pack has a triple action; cleansing, relaxing and nourishing the skin. A Spirulina face pack can be used for every skin-type, but it especially helps with greasy or problem skin.
Blemishes simply vanish!
If your metabolism is not working properly, the internal cleansing of your body will not function properly either. The result of this is that your body will use your skin as an outlet for waste products, which can lead to blemishes. Spirulina cleanses the blood and boosts the metabolism. The result of this is that less waste substances build up and this reduces and eventually clears up skin problems. Sometimes, when you first start taking Spirulina, you might suffer from more blemishes. This is because the internal cleansing of your body is just starting. Don’t worry, after the initial cleansing, your complexion will soon recover! Tip: If you have a troublesome skin you will achieve the best results if you combine eating Spirulina with regular facial masks.
Menstruation and the menopause
Many women in the menopause have less trouble from menopausal symptoms if they take Spirulina. They feel calmer, more energetic and in balance and have less bother from hot flushes. Spirulina can also have a positive effect during menstruation. Spirulina contains gamma-linolenic acid that is changed into prostaglandin in the body and therefore has a positive effect on the menstruation cycle. For that matter, menstruation is more than only a part of the reproduction function. During the bleeding, the body rids itself of pollutants (in a similar way to skin with spots and strong smelling transpiration). A difficult menstruation may be a consequence of this inner cleansing. Spirulina ensures that the body gradually rids itself of the pollutants and gives new energy. Thanks to Spirulina, many women have shorter and easier menstruation and feel more comfortable in the period preceding menstruation.
Stay healthy as you get older
We all become older, there’s nothing wrong with that. But good resistance deserves increasing attention. Because many older people have less appetite, it is very important that their food contains sufficient valuable nutrients. In this respect, Spirulina is a very useful resource. It does not fill up the stomach and is easily digested. Moreover Spirulina gives extra energy and keeps the mind clear, enabling you to fully enjoy your grandchildren, hobbies and travel, without becoming tired quickly.
Sports and fitness
Loads of top athletes swear by the natural energy of Spirulina. Whether it is an endurance sport, strength sport or a sport requiring performance peaks, Spirulina gives you an advantage for several reasons. An advantage that does not utilize artificial substances because Spirulina is a pure natural product and contains no substances that could be considered to be doping. With Spirulina our body recovers more quickly after strenuous physical exertion or sports. Your stamina and endurance increases, and you will have fewer energy dips.
1. Nutrient supplement Spirulina contains more than 60 natural vital nutrients, is easily digested and is fully absorbed by the body within half an hour. In contrast to ordinary food you can take Spirulina just before or even during the competition. Because Spirulina reduces the feeling of hunger and still supplies the required energy, it is ideal for use when training around meal times.
2. Faster recovery After a heavy training session or competition, the muscles are full of carbon dioxide and lactic acid, waste products that can cause muscle pain and delay recovery. The cleansing action of Spirulina speeds up the removal of these waste products from the body. Also Spirulina replaces the minerals that have been lost due to perspiration. The consequence: your body can recover sooner. A faster recovery means that you can begin training again faster. And training more often eventually increases your performance level.
3. More stamina Spirulina ensures an optimal metabolism during competition. And metabolism means: conversion of food into energy. By means of this uniform energy addition you avoid a dip while participating in sports. Using Spirulina you do not become exhausted as fast and you can keep going longer.
4. Higher resistance Excessive and heavy training can lower you resistance. If you cool down too quickly, for example in wet and wintry weather, you are certainly risking problems. Due to its enormous richness in vital substances, Spirulina quickly replenishes any shortages and increases your resistance. The chances of catching a cold or flu are reduced. So you will not miss any further training sessions.
5. Power drink for power sports Spirulina does not only help you to keep your weight down, you can also use it to gain weight, for example for body building or other strength sports. Power athletes who want to become more muscular can mix Spirulina with a power drink. For example, make a shake with bananas, eggs or powdered egg white, fruit juice and honey. Spirulina powder can be simply mixed with all types of protein drink and other sport nourishment. The algae ensure better absorption of the nutrients. Stay fresh behind the wheel 500 years ago the Aztecs used Spirulina on their long treks through the mountains. Nowadays Spirulina is ideal when you are driving in heavy traffic. the algae keep you fresh and alert behind the wheel and increase your powers of concentration. Beta-carotene (an important constituent of Spirulina) is required to enable you to see well in the dark; that helps you if you have to drive at night. And are you dreading that long flight to your holiday destination? Use Spirulina and you feel fitter and you have fewer problems with jetlag. Partying through the night... Quick recovery is not only important for athletes. You can benefit from the same advantages after a night on the town. Spirulina keeps you fit without resorting to chemical party drugs. You will realize that you can dance far longer and that after a long, heavy night you recover much more quickly, because the waste products are removed from your body much faster. Incidentally, many professional dancers are faithful Spirulina users. Had a little too much to drink? If you do not want to wake up with a huge hangover, take a few tablets before you go to bed together with one or two big glasses of water. Do the same when you wake up and the hangover will not be as bad and you will feel fit and alert much more quickly! Spirulina supplements the nutrients which were broken down and supports the liver’s cleaning action. The glasses of water are necessary to re-hydrate. Because alcohol makes the body (and brain) dehydrate which explains your thirst the day after. Incidentally Spirulina has been a secret miracle cure for carnival revellers for years
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