Oh our planet really as like our mother.She keeping so many usefull herbs in her.Panex Ginseng
is another popular green herbs in the world.
Panax Ginseng is indigenous to Manchuria, Chinese Tartary, and other areas of Eastern Asia. By some it is considered one of the most utilized and highly regarded of the medicinal Chinese herbs. Its usage can be traced back over approximately 5000 years. It is a smooth herbaceous perennial belonging to the ivy family Araliaceae. It has a large, fleshy, and very slow-growing root which usually grows to 2 to 3 inches in length 1/2 to 1 inches in thickness. It is spindle shaped and annulated with a round summit.
The color is pale yellow to brown. It's erect stem grows to over 1 foot and usually has three leaves divided by 5 leaflets and a singular terminal umbel. It produces bight red pea sized berries in clusters. Roots are usually harvested in the fall. Red and white ginseng are two forms often referenced. Red ginseng may be the most prevalent variety of Panex sold. Both types originate from the same genus plant but differ in the preparation process. Red Ginseng (also called Ginseng Radix Rubra) is prepared using a streaming process. Peeled roots are steamed before drying giving them a glossy reddish-brown coloring.
Steaming the root is thought to change its biochemical composition and also to prevent the breakdown of the active ingredients. Red Ginseng in Chinese medicine is associated with "Yang" energy (and therefor considered stimulating). It has been shown to contain a higher total content of saponins and has outperformed white ginseng in most therapeutic studies. White Ginseng is air dried in the sun and may contain less of the therapeutic constituents. It is thought by some that enzymes contained in the root break down these constituents in the process of drying. Drying in the sun bleaches the root to a yellowish-white color.
Ginseng roots can also be candied (processed in sugar) and these are considered to have a much milder effect and are used to treat qi and yin deficiency. When purchasing this herb, price is often determined by the length of time the herb was allowed to grow before harvesting. This effects the cost not only of the root but also of any of the processed herbal tonics or capsules. To cultivate good quality ginseng it is thought that maintenance of the soil, shade and other environmental conditions need careful attention and that roots should be allowed to mature for up to 5 years or longer and be harvested at the correct time of year.
Roots that have been allowed to mature are thought to have stronger therapeutic qualities: therefore with each year in the ground the price tends to increase. It is maintained by some (with supporting studies) that young roots have not had the time to develop the properties Ginseng is renown for and therefore the benefits of its usage would be significantly less. Today, Ginseng is a very common herb sold around the world. In 1990 it was thought that at least 6 million Americans were using the herb. And in the US for 1997, Ginseng was recorded as generating more than $86 million in sales annually.
World famious Tiens company manufacturing Panex Jinseng as capsule by bio-tech.As far we know Tiens brand Panex Zinseng are best in the world.
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