At first most important thing is that please ask yourself,are you want to suceess in here?
if your mind say yes then you already put your step on the road of success.The following tips guide you or help you to reach in your goal:
Strategy One : Make A Good Start
Determine Why You Are In This Business
• To get recognition in the society
• To earn more money
• To become financially independent
• Have A Positive Attitude
• Always put your best effort in getting maximum out of it
• No matter what you invest , you can make great profits
• Always look for new prospects
• Do Not Deviate From Your GoalYou will face challenges along the way; at those moments keep your goal clearBe honest to your mission
• Decide what you want
• Make a list of your goals
• Determine what you will need to achieve your goal
• Plan and work accordingly
STRATEGY THREE :COMMUNICATINGPeople relate the best to other people’s experience. Use your personal experience to share products and to build your own Tianshi business network. Informal sharing occurs when you talk about Tianshi in conversation with family and friends . Though formal sharing occurs when you make One-on-one and group presentations which are more structured , you must share your personal experiences informally to sow the seeds that may lead to a richer harvest. Put stress on the fact that success of Tianshi depends on personal experience, personal commitment and personal growth.
As a result of your presentation some people will not only be interested in the products , but will also be interested in the Tianshi marketing opportunity .When you sponsor someone ,you train that person to become an independent Distributor in your Down line . In this way , you can build and enlarge your networkSTRATEGY
Take sometime to look at what you have accomplaished .If you did some thing in a way that took longer than it could have or should have, modify your strategy and share your new found knowledge with your Downline to save them from having to learn it the hard way too . You will also find things that you did particularly well , take some time to appreciate the fact that you did a good job .
For a substantial growth there has to be a balance between both selling and sponsoring
. Apply the yin and yang philosophy in your network to achieve your ultimate goal
.How To Build Your Own Tianshi sales networkIn order to build your own Tianshi sales network you must understand t he process of sponsoring new independent Distributor
.The immediate result of this sponsoring and training is what we call ‘duplication’ :teaching others to duplicate their own successful behaviour
. The long-term result is what we call "multiplication" :the multiplying of your own success of those we have helped and who , in turn , help others to be successful.
Beginning The ProcessTo become a Tianshi independent Distributor ,a person must :
• Fill out and submit the Tianshi Distributor Application Form
• Have the application accepted by TianshiWhile you work with the people you sponsor ,read through the training materials, and encourage them to adopt the principle of "duplication" (by following the success system and copying your successful techniques ) and "multiplication" (by building on your initial training to create a "style" and consultant of their own ).In addition to selling which is essential to building a successful business , one of your most important goals is to ensure that you have a solid base of Distributors selling the outstanding Tianshi products and services .This is the "duplication" part of the business that generates high income to those Distributors who build a well trained and large organization.Your Selling Skills Involve1. using the products and services.
2. making the products and services available to your self ,your family ,friends,neighbours and people you meet .
3. demonstrating the products and services to expand your contacts and merchandising opportunities .Sponsoring – A Continuing ProcessWho do you sponsor ?You can sponsor anyone . Just give people a chance to discover Tianshi with your help , then allow them to take the decision for themselves . Talk about the opportunity in personal meetings and share your experience.
Who do you know?
Anyone you know could be a potential member of your Tianshi network organisation . And you know more people than you might think. Make a list and approach them .Presenting the Tianshi opportunityWhen some one express an interest in learning more about Tianshi opportunity, you can opt for any of the two presentations.
• One-on-one
• GroupGoing One-on –oneIt may be effective for you to share the Tianshi opportunity with someone in the relaxed, informal atmosphere in the One-on-one presentation . Share two things .
• -Importance of Tianshi philosophy and access to information
• Involvment in the Tianshi marketing planMerchandise the product and opportunity first. Explain the "values & benefits". Encourage your contact to ask questions .This will give you an idea of what his/her primary interest in Tianshi is .then gear your presentation around that angle.Handling Objections in the One-on-one PresentationsWhen the prospect begins to ask questions ,you have the opportunity to become a friend instead of a sales person . Handling objections positively can result in success for you and your contact .Group PresentationsIf you prefer to invite your propect to a group meeting, do so immediately.You should anticipate that 40% to 50% of the people who say they will attend a meeting will actually show up . This normal , so don’t be disappointed .Just plan ahead .
Handling Objections at Group Presentations Ideally it is best for you to try to answer questions on a one-to-one basis after you have concluded your presentation . Handle all questions with a positive attitude.Closing the MeetingWhen you are ready to close ,ask guests to turn to the person who invited them..Encourage them to ask questions .When you have done this ,capitalize on the excitement of your guests and close the meeting with enrollment and/or additional TIanshi sales.Bringing new people into your network is just the beginning.Now you have the responsibility of training and supporting them with the help of your upline leaders . Encourage them to follow the strategies of "secret to success" as well as the lessons you have learned from your personal experience . As you teach people to do what you have done , you duplicate your efforts and you succeed all over again .
• Help new Distributors in your network to sponsor people
• Contact your Distributors for training and meetings
• Support your new Downlines
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