Sunday, November 23, 2008


What side effects may I notice from taking Panax Ginseng?
Side effects from correctly administered Panax Ginseng usage are thought to be relatively rare. If you experience any of these side effects, stop usage immediately and report them to your health care professional.
Post menopausal bleeding Breast pain (Mastalgia) Gestational diabetes. Hypertony Headache (in conjunction with phenelzine intake) Tremulousness (in conjunction with phenelzine intake) Manic episodes (in conjunction with phenelzine intake) Cerebral arteritis (one possible case reported) Ginseng Abuse Syndrome - the cases reported on Ginseng abuse syndrome are controversial due to the possibility the ginseng consumed had adulterants, that the ginseng types are unknown including how they were processed, and that the reports may not have been verified.
The following are the side effects reported for this Syndrome:
Intoxication induced by Ginseng causing: Mild irritability Edema Prutititus Depression Vertigo Palpitations Hyperpyrexia Side effects (considered rare) that usually do not require medical attention (stop usage and report it to your health care professional if they are continuing or bothersome): Diarrhea Headaches Insomnia Irritability Nausea Nervousness Rash Restlessness Vomiting

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