Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Tiens Ikan

Ikan Carrejuve is another biological active product of tiens, by using modern biotechnology. This is consists of saponins, beta carotin, gynostemma, vitamin C, teophenol, microelements and other biologically active vegetable components which have antioxidantic and adaptogenic characteristics. One from the most important constituent of this product is the leaves of gynostemma. This plant grows just in forests of China where all the time they are surrounded with fog and have similar characteristics as ginseng.

Earlier gynostemma had been used in China during the years of crop failure and famine, but farmacological characteristics of the plant and its impact on human organism was studied for the first time in 1970 in Japan. A lot of biological studies and clynical observations were performed in China also. The results of the studies were given to World Medical Protection Organisation and it is possible that after their assessment the gynostemma saponins will be considered the preparation of XXI century for treatment of heart-vessels diseases, stress diseases, cancer, diabetes, AIDS and other diseases.

gynostemma picture

Here characteristics of Tiens Ikan Carejuve Capsules , which have been established during biological studies and clynical observations in China, are the following:

1.Ikan stimulates metabolistic processes: reduces the amounts of lipids and sugar, intensifies the synthesis of albumen, increases the regeneration of of hepatic cells, improves the trophic in stomach and duodenum (the prophylaxis of sores)

2.As antioxidant and succesfuly combines with free radicals Ikan eliminates them from the organism and acts as anticancerous preparation which increases the regeneration of sound and unharmed cells and rebuilds harmed cells (while healing cervical, hepatic cancers and melanoma
3. Ikan increases the immunity (resistance to diseases) by stimulating the production of lymphocytes

4. Ikan positively affects the homeostasis, e. i. balance of organism systems (reduces acidosis - the acidation of organism mediums in cases of various crytically serious conditions
5. Its large amount of saponins the affect of preparation is similar but stronger than the effect of ginseng: Tiens Ikan affects the sexual function, increase potency, blocks ageing, takes of pain, tones and improves sleep
6. Ikan increases the elasticity of capilliary and improves the microcirculation of tissues, i.e. heart muscles and brains, reduces the potential of tromboembolies formation
7. Ikan detoxicates, clears the toxic elements from the organism;8. Ikan eliminates bad smell from a mouth, strengthens and protects teeth

9. Ikan improves pulmonary ventilation and increases resistance having the lack of oxygen10

10.Tiens Ikan protects from harmful impact of radiation
Benifit of Tiens Ikan
1. It work as toning measure

2. As anti cancerous measure.

3. To take of pain and stress

4.As measure which easens the nervous system

5. as measure which reduces the amount of fat in blood

6. To enrich organism with oxygen

7. To increase the sexual function of organism

8. To stop the ageing process

9.To reduce the amount of sugar in blood

10. For regeneration of hepatic cells

11.For expansion of elasticity of capilliary walls

12. As strong antioxidator.

This biological preparation should be carefully prescribed for people having hypertonic diseases. It is not recommended to take Ikan later than 6 p.m. especially for people suffering from insomnia.

Thank you for read this article.

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