Monday, June 30, 2008


The historical use of Cordyceps as an anti-aging herb in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) dates back to 1700 BCE. During China's Chin Dynasty, one emperor is said to have paid an ounce of gold for a three days supply of the precious fungus. Tibetan scholars wrote detailed descriptions of Cordyceps in 15th and 18th century texts. Cordyceps was introduced to Europe at a scientific meeting in Paris in 1726.

Here some valueble information of Cordyceps described just for u:

Cordyceps (Dongchongxiacao)

Official Latin Name: Cordyceps sinensis

Latin:Cordyceps Sinensis;Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) Sacc.

Latin synoms:Sphaeria sinensis Berk.

Pharmaceutical Name: Cordyceps Botanical Name: Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) Sacc

English: Chinese capterpillar fungus

Chinese Names:Summer Grass Winter Woorm,Dong Chong Xia Cao.Chong Cao,Dong Chong Cao,Ya Zha Gong Bu(worm with horn).

Common Names:Cetepillar Mushroom, Cordyceps cicadae, Cordyceps Sinensis Hyphas Mycelium,Cordyceps, Chinese caterpillar fungus,Winter insects. Plant Part Used:Mycelium

Definition:A type of mushroom found on the cold mountain tops and snowy grass marshlands of China that infects insect larvae with spores that germinate before the cocoons are formed; it has been successfully used in clinical trials to treat liver diseases, high cholesterol, and loss of sexual drive. Also known as caterpillar fungus.

Source of Earliest Record: Bencao Congxin Part

Used & Method for Pharmaceutical Preparations: The fungus and the carcass of the larvae of various insects are collected in the period of the Summer Solstice (tenth solar term). They are cleaned and dried in the sun or baked.

Properties & Taste: Sweet and warm

Major use:In the treatment of Chronic Nephropathy, Chronic Nephritis. It has a diuretic effect and is good for the prevention of Nephralgia.

Output Regions:Distributed in Shanxi, Zhejiang,Hubei, Gansu, Qinghai, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan provinces and Tibet of China Volume of production in china:60000-100000 kg Volume of domestic consumption in china:30000-50000 kg Volume of export in china:30000-40000 kg Cordyceps Mushroom has been used in its native Tibet for centuries as a cure-all. It is especially thought to be effective as a support product for sexual function and as a blood circulation aid.

How purchase for your use:

Chinese Herbal company Tianshi or Tiens are now producing cordyceps capsules.This companies herbal products quality are very standard & safe.Tianshi companies marketing arms is very long.Their goods are available now in Almost in 180 countrys of the world.So where you are now living that is not fact to purchase their goods.if you are feeling interest please mail me in ""

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