Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Secret of success in Tianshi

What is stopping us to become finacially free?
The universe is abundant and we can have anything we want, but unfortunately most of us do not belive it. We think that we need to struggle for survival and we are not able to get anything more than that. The problem is that we get what we focus on. If you focus on survival - that that is all what you get. We create our lives. If you focus on traveling around the world first class, living in a beautiful house and contributing your money to your favorite charities - then this is what you will get. Your outer world is simply a reflection of your inner world. If you want to change your financial situation on the outside, you will first need to change it on the inside. I used to think that I will never succeed in a traditional business. I believed that I had to work hard for money. This was my personal money and success blueprint. And guess what? This is exactly what had happened. I worked very hard for many years. I was making a lot of money, but I did not know how to manage it. I started to postpone having fun in life for ...later. It took me few years working on myself to change my financial bleu print. I learned to balance my life, have fun everyday, manage my money and create a substantial multi stream passive income. My goal is to help others to achieve the same.

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