Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Yin and Yang

Actually Yin and Yang concept are ancient chinese philosophy.Present medical science follow the inner speech of this philosophy.If you will look at South Korean national Flag then you will see there have great sign of Yin and Yang.Tianshi are producing their supplimentary food under this concept.So let us know the famious concept:

Yin-yang is a dynamic equilibrium. Because they arise together they are always equal: if one disappears, the other must disappear as well, leaving emptiness. This is rarely immediately apparent, though, because yang elements are clear and obvious while yin elements are hidden and subtle.

According to ancient Chinese philosophy, the dual principles of nature. Yin signifies earth, passive, negative, female, yielding, weak, or dark; yang signifies heaven, active, positive, male, strong, or light. These principles are manifest throughout nature and in the human body. They relate to mental, physical, and spiritual structure and are affected by food, drink, action, and inaction. The balance of yin and yang in the individual, nature, and the cosmos is symbolized by a circle separated by an "S" shape, one half of the circle dark and the other light. This has something in common with the ancient Greek alchemical symbol of a serpent or dragon eating its tail, known as Ouroboros.

Yin and Yang, in ancient Chinese thought, are the underlying and controlling elements of all nature. The aim of Chinese medicine is to produce a proper balance between them. n 2. used in the Western world to express any dualistic, reciprocal control system in which one influence tends to promote things that the opposing influence tends to inhibit.

Yin-yang is not an actual substance or force, the way it might be conceived of in western terms. Instead, it is a universal way of describing the interactions and interrelations of the natural forces that do occur in the world. It applies as well social constructions - e.g. value judgements like good and evil, rich and poor, honor and dishonor - yet it is often used in those contexts as a warning, since by its principles extreme good will turn to evil, extreme wealth to poverty, extreme honor to dishonor.
Taijiquan, a form of martial art, is often described as the principles of yin and yang applied to the human body. Wu Jianquan, a famous Chinese martial arts teacher, described Taijiquan as follows:
Various people have offered different explanations for the name Taijiquan. Some have said: - 'In terms of self-cultivation, one must train from a state of movement towards a state of stillness. Taiji comes about through the balance of yin and yang. In terms of the art of attack and defense then, in the context of the changes of full and empty, one is constantly internally latent, not outwardly expressive, as if the yin and yang of Taiji have not yet divided apart.' Others say: 'Every movement of Taijiquan is based on circles, just like the shape of a Taijitu. Therefore, it is called Taijiquan.
Wu Jianquan, The International Magazine of T’ai Chi Ch’uan

In traditional Chinese medicine, balance is the key to perfect health. Rather than a cold being caused by a virus, as in western thinking, a cold is caused by an imbalance in your body. For instance, you may have slept too little, or eaten too much unhealthy food. All of these things can be solved through the application of different herbs, and every plant has either a yin quality or a yang quality.

Hot and Cold
In traditional Chinese medicine, every food has a temperature: hot or cold. When Nathalie Lussier a traveller first went to visit a Chinese doctor, he was told that my body was too cold and that I should eat only hot things.
Food that is hot includes: meet, nuts, seeds, durian, bananas, garlic, ginger, onions, and other spices.
Cold foods include cucumbers, oranges, watermelon, lettuce, and other fruits and vegetables that are high in water content.
What you eat impacts your balance, such that medicine and food are one and the same. Different people need different amounts of each type of food group in order to keep their own balance in check.
Men and Women
Using the Yin and Yang concept, men are hot and women are cold. This may or may not stem from the fact that men tend to eat more hot things such as meat, and women historically eat more fruits and vegetables. Whatever the case may be, the way that women act and then act also reflects this hot and cold reality. Men tend to be fiery, aggressive, and on the ball. Whereas women tend to be like the waves of the ocean, cold, cyclic, and more emotional.
Neither of these is wrong, or better than the other, we just happen to need a bit of each to make the world work. It’s another piece of the balance puzzle.
Yin and Yang Working Together
Although we have yet to achieve balance on a world scale, I believe that true balance begins within. Once you start eating a more balanced diet in terms of hot and cold foods, your body will return to its optimum state. Once you are a healthy individual, you will begin to look towards the outside and try to balance this reality. Once we have more balanced individuals vying for global balance between men and women, humans and animals, nature and humanity, we will make great strides.

So just follow the Tianshi food supplimentary idea and take these supplimentary food for better life.

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